Eva Klein
I don’t see myself as a consultant, coach, embodiment specialist or natural scientist. Titles are not what make or define me. It is what I do, how I move and act in our world that defines who and what I am. My life is integral – with body, soul and spirit.
Today I combine my knowledge as a natural scientist with the experience of over a decade in the Corportate World, the novel approaches of Embodiment /Somatic Coaching and the millennia-old philosophy of yoga.
Our body is a valuable tool for living an authentic, happy and successful life. Our mind is an excellent servant when we develop it consistently and vertically.
With this conviction, I advise and support my clients with dedication and authenticity. In doing so, I combine “state of the art” elements of Integral Coaching© with the bodywork of Embodiment. My sessions go deep, are powerful and sustainable at the same time.
My workshops and coaching sessions live through humor and lightness, through gentleness and depth. In the sessions I create a space with my warmth in which the participants are allowed to explore themselves. I love the quiet tones and pay attention to what happens “between the lines”.
It wasn’t always this way. A steep career had catapulted me first as a scientist and manager into the executive floor of an international medical technology company. Pure stress. Meaningful and fulfilling? more and more less so.
Increasingly, I questioned the grueling and ego-centered lifestyle, went on a search and re-invented myself: Within a short time, I became one of the most well-known and sought-after yoga teachers in Germany. As a cover girl and interview partner, I was found in the professional media of the print and online world. For several years I accompanied thousands of people in their yoga at the worldwide known Wanderlust Festival, trained hundreds of yoga teachers. My online yoga classes in German and English are still available at leading yoga portals.
However, my path and my own inner work does not end there:
Today I blend my knowledge as a natural scientist with the experience of over a decade in the Corporate World, the novel approaches of Embodiment and Integral Coaching to support Leadership Teams and Executives.
Together with my partner Nicholas Pesch we have developed the unique approach MIND MOVEMENT MASTERY .
- Certified Integral Coach by Integral Coaching Canada ICC (accredited by Ken Wilber)
- Certified Integrative Enneagram Coach for Individuals and Teams
- Certified Leadership Circle Profile LCP Practitioner
- Certified Action Inquiry GLA Bill Torbert
- Certified Embodied Facilitator (Mark Walsh, Wendy Palmer, Richard Strozzi-Heckler)
- Advanced Embodied Yoga Principles Educator
- Yoga Teacher E-RYT 200 (Wanderlust108 / Wanderlust Festival / Yogi Days etc.)
- Marketing Manager for Strategic and Operational Marketing of the Business Units Orthopaedics & Oncology of a start-up company in the medical technology sector
- OP care & training of medical specialists, doctors and distributors
- Consultant HealthCare / Pharma / Medical Devices in an international personnel consulting firm
- Customer Business Development in the Pharmaceuticals Division of a leading global corporation
- Study of natural sciences with focus on molecular genetics and neurobiology

Integral Embodiment Coaching
Our body and mind form a unity, both are integrally connected with each other. Recent scientific studies speak of a “Single Integrated Entity” – the “Body Mind”. In my embodiment coaching you will learn how to transform yourself and your mind through working with your body.
The body knows answers that our mind has no access to.
That is why our body is such a valuable instrument for an authentic, happy and successful life. If we recognize and unfold the potential of the body, we can also transform our psyche.
Embodiment makes our world of thoughts and feelings permeable to new impulses. We bring awareness and choice into our movement patterns and our lives.
In my body coachings I interweave the “state of the art” body work of the embodiment with traditional elements of yoga. Through the use of specific postures and the highly specialized technique of “body inquiry”, it is possible very quickly to uncover individual thought patterns, preferences and beliefs and to transform them through the body.
Redesign your self-created reality!

Leadership Development
We need leaders, and people in all walks of life, who can think and work collaboratively, are emotionally connected, self-aware with an ethical compass, capable of empathy and wise decision making, ego-mature, and relationally skilled.Imagine a developmental journey and coaching program that combines the world’s most comprehensive map of human development, the structure and discipline of embodied practices and mind training, the inclusion and transcendence of intuitive capacities, and a proven track record for delivering lasting change – all within a space of deep care and uncompromising standards.
With our approach leaders will learn how to transform themselves and their minds through working with their body. They will unlock their full leadership potential and find their authentic style to build more fulfilling relationships, inspire others with a vision, become more resilient, be someone others can depend on in crisis situations and make a difference in their teams and organizations.